It's only Monday and already I've got a million things swimming around in my mind! Forgive me for unloading a few...
1. Hair appointment in 2 days - yay! I'm going for bangs and highlights. I've gotta look GOOD for my first trip to Rio in three years.
2. Thank goodness for cancellations (other people's, that is). I squeezed myself in to see my eye doctor next week. I think I need glasses... YIKES!
3. Sims 3. It's a miracle I pulled myself away long enough to type this list :)
4. Hubby! How cute is he... he's out "meeting with Santa" right now.
5. Big Love, season 3. It's finally showing on HBO so I can catch up before season 4 starts.
6. Silk Pumpkin Spice (yum)
7. First snow of the season... let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
8. Christmas decorations in my house and holiday songs on the radio.