Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yardsale Yahoos

[aka: my mom and me]

Last night my mom spent the night at my place -- Bruno was already on his way to NYC for a Springsteen concert. Girls' night meant eating at the local diner and then watching an hour of Private Practice before calling it a night. This morning, we woke up at the butt crack of dawn and dragged all our most precious "junk" out to my community yardsale. We were actually pretty successful and downsized a lot! The best part was that a donation place from Baltimore was stopping by afterwards to pick up anything we didn't want to take back home with us. I'm feeling footloose and fancy-free now! Gotta love yardsales :)


  1. oh cool, glad it was successful! Our neighborhood needs to have another sale so I can downsize some is feeling a little cluttered!

    ps. when do we get to see final pics of pottery?

  2. glad you were able to downsize and make some dough. I bet B is glad that he missed out on the yardsale :)


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