That goes for you, me, hubby, and this blog!
I had a great time Friday night drinking margaritas (or rather, 'a' margarita) with S. I need to have more girls' nights-out like that!
I joined my mom, grandma, and E for lunch on Saturday. Panera Bread... Mmmmm :)
Then, I spent the rest of the weekend with my folks moving furniture with them. They're getting ready to redo their dining room and office -- both rooms are getting the floors refinished and a new coat of paint -- so all the crap had to be moved out. The process of moving all that crap (which by the way, isn't really trash, it was just a lot to schlep!) inspired me to take pictures of all the family heirlooms. I made a deal with my parents, that if I set up the spreadsheet with all the appropriate rows and columns, they'd fill in the details about each item. I just wanted a way to capture all the stories in one place.
So many of those memories get lost from generation to generation -- especially in our high-tech society. Sometimes it blows to mind to think about pre-historic societies (aka: cultures without a written language) that had to pass down everything through song, story, and word-of-mouth. Their memories must have been impeccable! Does that ever make you wonder whether we're really maximizing our brains to their full potential? Just the thought of it is mind-boggling, don't you think?! (ahh... the irony of that statement) :-p
Happy Monday!