Friday, May 13, 2011

Take a picture, it’ll last longer!

I stole the following blog post from my sister, so when you read "I," think "E." (Thanks, E!)
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Last July there was a Groupon for an hour photo shoot anywhere within a 25 mile radius of D.C. from Tomerlin Photography, so I proposed to my siblings that we purchase said Groupon and have a group photo taken (a la the awesome picture below) as a Christmas present for our parents.

Left to right: My parents, my Aunt Sandy (Mom’s step-sister) and her husband Uncle Roger, my Aunt Cheri (Mom’s step-sister) and my Uncle John (Mom’s brother)
One of the pictures from this photo session always hung in my grandmother’s house when we were growing up and we’d always look at it and kind of giggle at how different they all used to look (by the time I was born my mother had chopped all her hair off… and so had my Uncle John, lol). So I thought it’d be fun to have a picture taken of the six of us so that maybe in another ten years or so our kids can look at us and giggle.

So we purchased the Groupon in July and come September attempted to book a date with the photographer to have our picture in time for Christmas. Plenty of time, right? Ha! Nope! Turns out the photographer sold some 1,200 of these deals and was booked on the weekends straight through to December! So our plan was a little thrown off, but we adapted and decided our “Christmas” present, could be a Mother’s Day present and we planned our photo shoot for one morning in April (over six months out at that point). Well, of course it was freezing that morning! So while we ran from place to place at the University of Maryland (5 of the 6 of us graduated from Maryland with the 6th one of us graduating from UMBC, so we figured it’d be a fun background for our photo shoot), we were taking our winter coats off, smiling for pictures and quickly putting our winter coats back on! Fortunately, it didn’t rain on us, and all of the pictures turned out great!

So here’s my favorites, and if you want to check out the rest of our pictures from the photo shoot, just go here!

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